本堂第50届差传年会已于9月8日至10日圆满完成,此届的主题为:《传承召命 跨代同行》。我们感谢台湾基督长老教会总会传道委员会事工干事陈泽胤牧师给予我们的分享与勉励。年会受到会友们热烈的反映与回响。此届认献目标定为32万,参与认献人数达146人,认献总额$243,568.00,求主给予祝福与带领差传的另一里程碑!
CLPC’s 50th Annual Mission Conference was successfully held from 8th to 10th September. The theme for this year is: “Inheriting our calling through intergenerational collaboration”. We thank PCT’s Mission Secretary Rev Chen Zeyin for his sharing and exhortations. The conference received warm responses from our congregation. The pledge offering target for this year is $320,000, with a total of 146 people pledging $243,569.00. May God bless and lead mission work into another milestone!