4月10 日运动会当天的天气虽是晴时多云偶阵雨,并没有浇灭每个运动员的热情,永和牧师开幕致辞鼓励每个参赛者积极发挥自己的实力,更需发挥团队精神,期待参与者都能留下美好的回忆。创意的开幕礼、五项运动项目以及有趣又紧张的加码竞赛,都可以很好的启动身体各种功能。 从年龄最小到最老都因参与各项运动得到最后的奖赏而欢呼,淑珍牧师带领全体参与者向上帝献上感恩,让真理堂这个大家庭继续向前迈进,荣耀主名。 过后全体动员分工合作清理整个场地,恢复教会原来的面貌。
Although the weather was cloudy with rain on the day of the Mini Olympic Day (10th April), it did not dampen the passion of the participants. Rev Eng Hoe opened the ceremony with an encouragement to all participants to perform to their best abilities, and more importantly to show team spirit, hoping that participants can all have fond memories. The creative opening ceremony, five sports events and the interesting and exciting game challenges promote bodily functions well. All participants, young and old, cheered as they participated in the events and won the final prize. Rev Shu Chen led all participants in thanksgiving to God, that the CLPC family will continue to march on for the glory of God’s name. All participants then helped to clear the whole venue, restoring the church to its original state.