
本堂第51届差传年会已于9月6日至8日圆满完成,此届的主题为:《燃起初心 拓展领域》。我们感谢叶明迅牧师给予我们的分享与勉励。

以下是聚会的时间表 Mission Conference schedule as follows:
日期、 时间、 讲题、 经文
06-09-2023 07:45 P.M. 宣教是我们在世上最大的责任 马太28:18-20
07-09-2023 07:45 P.M. 策略和时机 马太 25:34-40,箴言19:17
08-09-2023 10:00 A.M. 培训乡下传道(个人见证) 耶利米33:3;29:11


CLPC’s 51st Annual Mission Conference was successfully held from 6th to 8th Sep. The theme for this year is: “Reignite the first love, expand the field”. We thank Rev Dr. Yap Beng Shin for his sharing and exhortations. The conference received warm resp from our congregation. May God bless and lead mission work into another milestone!

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